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Why Women Should Play Golf

21 Apr 2017

In the past golf has typically been thought of as a sport that is predominantly played by men, which can make it intimidating for women wanting to take up the sport. The North-American golfing population is currently around 75% male, but we are hoping to see some changes this season! To some women the intimidation factor of a male dominated sport outweighs the benefits gained from playing, when really it should be the opposite way around! There are many benefits and reasons as to why women should play golf! Here are just a couple to name a few: 

Golf is a great way to network. Many women feel disadvantaged in the corporate world if they don't golf, because they are missing out on valuable networking opportunities. There is a simple solution to that: take up golf! Golf is one of the few sports that is enjoyable regardless of your level of skill. In fact, being a new golfer could end up being an advantage as it gives you the opportunity to ask for advice and tips from your golf partners! There is no reason to be missing out on these golf course business meetings! For some tips about golf business etiquette   click here.

Golf is also a great way to stay in shape! On average, playing an 18 hole round while carrying your bag burns approximately 1,300 calories. An hour at the driving range will burn approximately 175 calories. Getting regular exercise is important for men and women of all ages, but it can seem like a chore. Golf is the perfect solution for this as you get to combine exercise with the social aspect of hanging out with your friends so it doesn't really seem like exercise at all!

Golf is a fantastic way to reduce your stress levels. Golf is a great stress reliever, as it is typically relaxing and played at your own pace. It helps you take your mind away from work and everyday stress which is incredibly valuable for your mind to get a break. You get to escape your home for a few hours and be surrounded by calming nature. You also get to hit the ball as hard as you can and be rewarded for it... If that's not a great way to relieve stress I don't know what is!

"Age doesn't make a difference either. Whether you're 20 or 70, you can still play together. There are so many different things you can do with golf that you can't do in other sports." - Jack Nicklaus

Another huge benefit of taking up golf as a woman is that golf is a sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages. Golf is one of the very few sports that you can play throughout your entire lifetime! This makes it a great way to spend time with your family and friends! 

Willow Valley hosts a weekly ladies league for golfers of all calibers--perfect for those just beginning and hoping to meet other women to play with! This is a unique opportunity to improve your game and have fun! Click here to register online or call the pro shop at (905) 679-2703.

Last Modified: Tuesday 02 May 2017 12:08
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Benefit Golf WillowValley Women

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Willow Valley Golf Course
8475 English Church Rd.
Hamilton, ON
L0R 1W0

2907 Upper James St.
Mount Hope, ON
L0R 1W0
